Fees are paid in by the nuclear power companies and other fee-liable licensees. The fees are calculated in relation to the energy that is delivered. Since 2008 the fee can also be determined as an amount in kronor, to be paid for example by a fee-liable licensee who no longer delivers nuclear energy. The Government decides annually how big the fees should be, based on a proposal from the National Debt Office.
The Nuclear Waste Fund also handles disbursements from the Fund. National Debt Office reviews and decides how Fund assets may be used.
Uppdaterad av: Marie Lewenhaupt, 2020-04-01 16.05
Kärnavfallsfonden, c/o Kammarkollegiet, Box 2218, 103 15 Stockholm, Tel: 08-700 08 00, E-post: karnavfallsfonden@kammarkollegiet.se